____ / \____ ___ / / \ | . | / / _______\______________________________________________________I_ | :__ / _ _ _ _ _____ | | |__ / \ _- | / | / _,-' | |_| |_| | \ \ | | | | : ----- | | <_/|<_/ ---+--- | ___ | _____ | | | ` | \ / |---- --+- / | / .-+-. --+--. | | | --+-- | | | \ | ----- | | /|\--\|--\ |_;_| | | |-+-| | --- _____; | | : | | | | / | . | \ | | | | | |_;_| | / --- | | | | | --+-- | | | -+-+--- `-+-' ' | | `/ ___ | | | | | /|\ ' | | ^ \/ __;__ / ' ---+--- /\ | || . | | |_| / | `/ | | / \ /\/ ___I___/ \/ | / \/ |___||_____| | | | | __________ _________ | | | | N E W M O B I L E R E P O R T \****/ \***/ | | | | |**| >*/ | | | | \ | |**| /*/ | | | | \ \ ---+--- |**| /*/ | | | | ------------- \ | |**| | /*/ | | | | _______ ____ ----------- |**| /| /*/ | | | | | | / \ / |**| /*| /*/ | | | | | | / \ / |**| /**| /*/ | | | | |_______| / ----------- |**| /***| /*/ | | | | /___ | |**| /*^**| /*/ | | | | .-------------. / ---+--- |**|/*/|\*|/*/ | | | | | _______ | / | |**/*/ |*\/*/ | | | | | | | | / ---+--- |***/ |***/ GUNDAMWING | | | | | | | | / | |**/ |**/ ___ __ |_| | | | |_______| | \ | |*/ |*/ | /\ | | | | | | | | \ | |/ |/ |--- /--\ | \| | | | | | \| \____________/ | | | / \`--\ | | | | ___ __ ___ __ __ __ ___ | | | | | |\ | | \ | | / \ / \ | \ | | | | | \ | | |___ | \ | | \ | |___ \__ \__ | \ | | |___ | | : | | | | \| | / | | \ \ | / | | | | | __| | | |___ | | |__/ |___ |___ \__/ \__/ |__/ |___| |___ |___ ' __| | |_________________________________________________________________/ ; | . | / \ \ / / |___; : .-------------------------------. : \____ / / | | G U N D A M W I N G | | \____/ | | E N D L E S S D U E L | | | | Frequently Asked Questions | | | | Version 4.0 | | | | Maintained by: Jacob Poon | | | | ASCII Graphics by: Jacob Poon | | ` `-------------------------------' ' \_________________________________/ Version history =============== 1.0 (AD 1997 Oct 15) - Initial public release 2.0 (AD 1997 Nov 19) - Added endings (still need translations, though) - Added robots' full names - Added Game screen section - Section about game play is reorganized, and greatly expanded - Found the use of Epyon's '0-hit' move - Extended Vayeate's move - Fixed Death Scythe's super - 99+ hits killer combo for Sand Rock (Yes, KI pun is intended!) 3.0 (AD 1998 Mar 18) - Added all misc. moves - This FAQ is now available on Gundam Wing Mailing List Archive (yeah!) - 99+ hits killer combo for Death Scythe (Okay, so this is not a fatality, but it is the next best thing from the grim boy.) - Major facelift on the title ASCII graphics. Now comes with a new GW theme. - What good is a fighting game FAQ without combos anyway? Therefore now it comes with COMBOS, COMBOS, AND MORE COMBOS!!! - Finally, collected all in game robots' specs. However, I have got some conflicting specs, especially on the 'armaments' section. - To follow Sunrise's naming conventions, there won't be anymore 'New Mobile War Chronicle Gundam W', only 'New Mobile Report Gundam Wing' remains. (However, it seems there is more than one official English title for GW.) - More game trivia, including the switch of pilots in story mode. - More jokes about the pilots. :) - New winning quotes section (still under construction). - New tips of choosing a robot's colour scheme. 4.0 (AD 1998 Jun 10) - Some normal moves now follows The King of Fighters nomenclature, for lack of better terms (and for lack of manual). - Finally filled in the mechanical details of power system. - New info on throwing, especially how to juggle after a throw. - Too bad GWML's traffic is nowhere as busy as it used to be when 3.0 was out. :( However, another official GWED site is up at Goldart's Home Page. - Combo added minimum PU costs and requirements. - Slowly integrating armament lists into move desciptions. - New info on development technologies used in GWED. It is controversial, but it does show what other companies should have done before putting up a 2D fighter on consoles. (Neo Geo too, especially when that means cheaper games and faster load times.) - Added even more on game play section, including knock down, juggle, and launcher information. - Added stage descriptions. Needed: - English traslations of the Japanese dialogues - Move names (from the manual, of course. Alternatively, you can send me manual) - How to enter test mode (Yes, it does exist, but I am looking for how to do it without trainers) - Do the robots' ability levels mean anything to actual game play? - Did Natsume also develop Gundam The Battle Master (2)? - Anything else Contact the author: Send anything about the game and this FAQ only to the following email address: jacob.poon@utoronto.ca Availability ============ The latest revision of this FAQ can be found at: Goldart's Home Page: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Dojo/1997/ Gundam Wing Mailing List Archive: http://www.quatre.ranma.com/gwmlarchive/ GameFAQs (aka Video Games FAQ Archive): http://www.gamefaqs.com/ Also posted on Gundam Wing Mailing List, thanks to GWML's admins. Glossary ======== Joystick/pad direction, affects robot's movement: Right facing: Left facing: ub u uf uf u ub O O O O O O \ | / \ | / b O- n -O f f O- n -O b / | \ / | \ O O O O O O db d df df d db Where f=forward, b=backward, u=up, d=down, l=left, r=right, n=neutral (ie the middle position). dir.=any direction, including neutral. [[A|G](dir.)...]=do (dir.)... in [Air|Ground]. QCF=d,df,f QCB=d,db,b FDD=f,d,df Keys/attacks: [D][C|S|G|A][W|s][P|w|V|T][a]=[Dashing] [Crouching|Standing|Ground|Air] [Weak|strong] [Punch|weapon|Vulcan|Throw] attack [w|s]k=Press any [weak|strong] attack key 2k=Press any two attack keys [[#]S]J=[[#th] Super] Jump Robot specs: FGT: Fighting ability HEI: Height, in tonnes AMS: Armaments WEP: Weapons ability WEI: Weight, in metres DES: Descriptions SPD: Speed ability MAT: Material RN: Registry number POW: Powered ability RFN: Robot's full name ARM: Armoured ability IGP: In game pilot, surname last DIS: Disability, represents the common move(s) a robot cannot do. #CS: #th colour scheme Regular expressions: [pattern]=the enclosed 'pattern' is done optionally ...=repeat the enclosed pattern indefinitely key1+key2=key 1 and key 2 are pressed simultaneously key1,key2=key 1 and key 2 are pressed within short time in specified sequence, but not simultaneously (key1|key2)=only one of key 1 and key 2 is pressed x#=do enclosed pattern # times. For pad/stick motions, between each time it is separated by a ','. Robot names: WG: Wing Gundam W0: Wing Gundam 0 GD: Gundam Deathscythe GH: Gundam Heavyarms GS: Gundam Sandrock SG: Shenlong Gundam T: Tallgeese M: Mercurius V: Vayeate GE: Gundam Epyon Miscellaneous: (J)=the move is done when doing regular jump (SJ)=the move is done when doing super jump (Air)=the move is done in air (Ground)=the move is done on the ground (Dash)=the move is done while dashing (Close)=the move is done in close range GWED=Gundam Wing Endless Duel MS=No, not Micro$chloft, but Mobile Suit, the robot in every Gundam series. (But then again, who knows how long this monopoly empire can survive? And who knows how much of the universe it has taken over in AC195? ;) MVDD=Maximum vulcan disable distance. Given a robot's vulcan is disabled, the horizontal distance which robots can move further apart before vulcans can be used. MVED=Minimum vulcan enable distance. Given a robot's vulcan is enabled, the horizontal distance which robots can move closer together before vulcans cannot be used. NMRGW=New Mobile Report Gundam Wing PU=Power Unit Introduction ============ This Super Famicom game is based on the New Mobile Report Gundam Wing animated series started airing in 1995 AD (of course it is shown in AD period, but with Gundams' own multiple time lines, some would think this show was aired in 1995 BC if I didn't include AD :), which set in year After Colony (AC) 195. However, NMRGW doesn't have any known relations with the Mobile Suit Gundam stories other than both time lines have Gundams. Unlike most of the Gundam games had released (which are either strategy games or RPG), this one is a 2D fighting game. AFAIK this is the second (and possibly the last) installment of non-SD Gundam fighting game for SNES (first one being G Gundam). If you want any more fighting Gundam game, you will need a Playstation to play Gundam The Battle Master. While this is a Japanese game, all parts of the game are written in English, except the dialogues and 'Gundam' title. For the most parts, this game is hugely improved over the G Gundam game, including bigger characters, smoother gameplay, and super attacks. Although it has fewer options than G Gundam, the overall gameplay value is much higher than before, and definitely much higher than most (all?) other anime fighting game on SNES, courtesy of Natsume (who had also done action titles like The Ninjawarriors (aka The Ninjawarriors Again), Wild Guns, Pocky & Rocky (aka Kikikaikai), etc.). Game screen =========== ____________________________________________________ | | | k | |__ ___________ ______________________ ___________ __| | / |WING.0| \ /TIME\ / a-|WING| \ | | /__|______|___\______/______\______/____|____|___\ | || | b | _ _ | | || |`--------------------| (_><_) |--------------------'| | _|__|_______________|________|__________________|_ | ||11 HIT|_______/ W | | \_______===|300|| |`------' \ | | `---'| | | j f c / | | | / | | d e | | | | g |\ | | \ ||\ | | \ || | /| | | O |\ /\ | | O | | --+-- | V |--h /| | --+-- | | <_ | \/ | | | | \/ | _> | | | > + < +- -+ | | | ^ | | | |--i ^ | | / \ | ^ | \| | / \ | | | | |/ \/ | | | | l | | | | || | \| | | / | | |...| ||/ |...| / | | .:|...|:. |/ .:|...|:. | | `.....' `.....' | |____________________________________________________| | k | |____________________________________________________| Legend ------ a=Robot's name. b=Energy bar. Flashes red when low. c=Power bar. Turns red with 0-99 PU, turns orange with 100-199 PU, and turns yellow with 200-300 PU. d=Hit combo counter. If 'HIT' flashes, one cannot add more hits into this number and disappeared if a combo not larger than the current one is not done in time. Activated when the corresponding robot does a combo. If the combo size exceeds 99, it still shows '99 HIT'. e=Power counter. Shows exact amount of power in power bar. Covered by hit combo counter if the corresponding robot does a combo. f=Remaining time. g=Robot. h=Large target lock. The robot opposites to it can fire vulcans. When using vulcan, it does not move. i=Small target lock. The robot opposites to it can fire vulcans. When using vulcan, it moves. Also, large target lock turns into small target lock if the opponent gets closer than MVDD, and disappears afterwards. j=Win icon. Each icon shows the representing side won a mission. k=Screen border. Nothing is visible beyond it. Surprisingly, despite the much taller stages in GWED than most other SNES fighting games, this game doesn't use full screen height. l=Shadow. Game modes ========== Story mode: In this 1-player game, your mission is to fight everyone except your initially chosen robot in 2-win matches. At the end you will fight Epyon. VS. mode: Choose any two robots to fight in a 2-player game in a 2-win match. Press Select on the respective controller(s) to toggle between human and CPU players. The stage is selected depends on the second player's choice of robot. Higher level human player's attack inflicts more damage, while higher level CPU player is smarter, regardless of difficulty settings in Option. Trial mode: Fight everyone else in one-win matches. Time limit is always disabled in this mode. If the human player wins, the remaining power and energy are carried to next match, with slight refill to the existing energy bar. If the human player loses, the length of winning streak will be shown, without continuing. However if the human player has won more than 99 matches in a row, the game still continues until the human player loses. Even then, the result will still be 99. There are no known bonus for getting such huge winning streak. CPU opponents become smarter in next match, until reaching the game's limit (whatever that is). Option: Configures difficulty level, time limit, sound, and keys. Game Play ========= At the first glance, this game seems to play like any SF2 clones (unfortunately, including G Gundam), except using giant robots. However there are many differences between GWED and SF2 (or G Gundam). Without understanding the differences, one can be easily defeated by computer at higher levels. Aerial tactics -------------- For those who are unfamiliar with GWED, it is important to know that aerial combat plays a much important role than most other SNES fighting games (and many other 2D fighting games for that matter). BTW forget the flying layers paradigm in DBZ: Super Butouden, since this is not the kind of fighting engine used in GWED. For starters, stages are somewhat narrower and much taller (sort of like Marvel Super Heeroes) than most SNES fighting games. To compensate the loss of horizontal spaces, each robot can fly temporarily by doing up to 2 consecutive super jumps, which can be done on top of regular jumps. That effectively makes each robot have a triple jump. Also, during 1SJ, one can use vernier to control air movement of a robot, or do another super jump to finish the aerial movement. With 'triple' jumps on every robot, the familiar fireball traps in SF2 (and its variants) are useless against skilled GWED opponents. Each robot can do 2 air attacks instead of just one, but you will need to start with a normal attack, then a special/super. Otherwise you can only to one attacks. It is possible to skip any one of the attack in the sequence, but if one move cannot be interrupted by the next move, it will be very difficult to do the second move. And for that matter, certain first air attacks cannot be interrupted by the second one unless the first one touches opponent. Some specials allow the robot to do an air attack after performing a ground move. In this case, it can still do up to 2 air attacks with the above restrictions. There is one (dis)advantage for fighting in air. The sizes of air combos are usually smaller than the ground counterparts. That is mostly because not all ground moves can be done in air, and no air attacks that cannot be done on ground. Within one air session, one cannot do air attack for the remaining session if: - An air special/super was done. - You performed throw escape, throw, and/or block. - You received an attack. However, air blocks are still possible, if one did not perform air special/super. If air special/super was done, you have to receive an air attack before you can block. Power system ------------ Unless otherwise stated, these are always throughout the match: - Weak specials cost 0 PU while strong specials cost 100 PU. - If a robot has less than 100 PU, doing strong attack key combinations will perform the respective weak attacks. - Firing vulcan costs 1 PU per projectile. - Each robot starts up with 300 PU before the match, and whatever remains at the end of the mission are carried into next mission. That means overly aggressive strategies can end up losing by overspending power in early mission. In Trial mode, remaining power is also carried into next match. - All super attacks cost 200 PU each. - Power can be regained by following factors: PU gain per hit Landed Blocked Attack type attacker attackee attacker attackee Punch#/weapon# Normal 15 0 5 10 Special/super 15 0 5 10 Vulcan Normal 0 0 0 10 Special 15 0 n/a@ n/a@ Throw Normal 0 0 n/a*@ n/a*@ Special, blockable 15 0 5 10 Special, unblockable 15 0 n/a*@ n/a*@ # As defined by the type of attack key is pressed, not by the attack itself. * Can't block an unblockable throw, but escaping from it gains no PU for either side. @ No such combination of attack exist. Vulcan ------ In addition to regular punches and kicks (or punches and weapons for that matter), all robots (except Epyon) are equipped with vulcan (no, not some pointy-eared, mind-reading Enterpise officer) for shooting. To adjust the angle of shooting, try switch between crouching and standing poses. Crouching moves up target lock, until just below the hit combo/power counter (assuming both characters are on ground). When switching from crouching to standing pose, target lock moves down until vulcan can be fired horizontally. Fortunately, to prevent turning a fighting game into a pure shooter, there are limitations on using vulcans: Vulcan cost power. For staters, that means less power is available for other attacks. Moreover, the shooter cannot regain power by using vulcan, even if all shots hit. However, the cost of vulcan is a less important limitation than the following ones. Vulcan is disabled at close range (defined as MVED), which the target lock is turned off. To reable it, the robots must move further apart until it is far enough (defined as MVDD) to make the target lock to reappear. However, it is harder to reenable it than to disable it. First of all, MVDD is slightly longer than MVED. Secondly, with the dynamic nature of this game, keeping enemy away is not exactly easy against aggressive opponents. Vulcan's use is limited. It can only be used on ground, which makes it useless against most airborne opponents. Especially for SV, which takes long time to complete, and leaves the shooter vulnerable to opponents. Unless opponent dashes forward without blocking or getting cornered, once vulcan is used, the projectiles will not travel beyond the large target lock. Therefore it is quite often VAs are not completely hit, and leave opponents enough time to counterattack. All special projectiles can destroy vulcan shots, and retain same momenta and damages afterwards. Finally, vulcan does not inflict any block damages. Therefore if the opponent keeps on blocking, the bullets will only be served as free power boosts. However, there are few advantages of vulcans. First of all, each VA hits at least several times. Furthermore, a robot can hit a few air opponents by crouching, which moves the target lock slightly upwards. But this feature has a little use. One can also create combos by using vulcan and other special projectiles if timing is right. But the biggest advantages are, vulcan has the lowest firing delay, and its projectiles travel faster than most others. Defence mechanism ----------------- Following Capcom's X-Men fighting game, air blocking feature is possible in GWED, and it blocks just about every move except air throws. All weapon attacks (as defined by pressing weak weapon or strong weapon key alone) cause block damages, so quit the turtling habits for good. Dashing and back stepping can be done with blocks, which prevents getting hit by all but unblockable throws and low attacks. If you feel threatened by opponents' continuous projectiles (especially vulcans), this is one way to resolve the threat. Furthermore, it is possible to finish an attack, then immediately retreat with shield on, which is rather useful for combos that don't knock down opponents. However these blocking movements prevent one to attack during dashing. If the opponent's attacks are frequnet enough, the blocker can continue to block without holding any keys, and the attacks will not hit as long as they contacts while receiver's block stun animation isn't ended, or get killed by block damages. When dealing with such frequent attacks, there is plenty of time for the blocker to set up a counterattack. Fallen characters ----------------- Whenever a robot is fallen, it means big trouble in GWED. Unlike other 2D fighting games, where fallen characters are immune to attacks (except MSH, but that has no vital value in MSH because it can only be done after a match), fallen robots can get hit by low-hitting attacks. Whenever the fallen robot wakes up, it breaks the combo. It is possible to get up earlier with recovery, unless being defeated while sleeping. In that case, the loser will get a really nasty (yet rather funny) wake up call from the winner. In other words, there is no time to take a nap in a mission. :) However, if opponent's attacks are frequent enough, it becomes harder to wake up. There are no dizzying characters as in G Gundam fighting game or in most SF2 clones (they are robots, after all (unless it is a SD Gundam game, which isn't)). Therefore use every chance to beat up fallen opponents. Despite the obvious disadvantage, fallen characters receive less damage from the same attack, and fewer attacks can hit them. Therefore waking up in a wrong moment can be just as deadly, especially Epyon's super. Knock down move (KDM) --------------------- If the opponent receives a KDM, no attacks can hit it during its fall, until it is no longer in the air. The opponent cannot attack until wake up after the fall. Juggle knock down move (JKDM) is same as KDM, except juggling the victim is possible afterwards. A throw itself is a JKDM, but if you juggle the throwee, that attack becomes a KDM. Also, if an attack knocks out the opponent, it becomes a JKDM, even though it is normally a KDM. Juggling -------- One of the 'cheapest' features in Tekken has been faithfully reproduced in GWED. Not only you can juggle in air or on ground, jungling can theoretically go on indefinitely. Furthermore, even after one has won, the ongoing attacks can still hit the opponent. However, juggling has its limits. If opponent receives a KDM, juggling will not be possible for opponent's remaining flight session. And if juggling is not fast enough, opponent may be able to do air block. Launcher -------- Similar to MSH, except in a much limited extent. All launchers don't knock up oppnent high enough to justify an air attack. Hit in air opponent with air hit that doesn't cause knock down also further knocks up opponent. If the attackee is knocked out by a hit, this and any ongoing hits (if exist) of the attack will be condsidered as launchers, and these hits knock up attackee with heights higher than the same ones landed before knocking out the attackee. As a result, the combo sizes are usually smaller if the attackee has low energy before being juggled. Combo system ------------ Just like Capcom's post-SSF2T games, GWED also has chain combos for every robot. Chain combo consist a series of normal moves, which hit opponents faster than normally possible because during each attack in the combo, the current attack interrupts the previous attack. To make a chain combo to work, the first attack of the chain combo must hit, otherwise the animation will come to a halt until the attack is finished. However, that does not apply to the WPs that are usually used to start chain combos. Dashing helps a little to increase hit counts, but not necessary. Regular combos are still in the game, but the biggest limiting factors are available power and the moves themselves. The interrupt sequence is the following: Normal attack -> Special attack -> Super attack Note: Even though it is possible to interrupt a special to do a super, they are mostly very difficult to do, if not impossible. Doing them require perfect timing, quick reflexes, and a lot of luck. With the introduction of vulcans, one can easily create combos by shooting alone. Since each robot can do 2 air attacks, and indefinite jugglings is possible, that introduces the possibilities of air combos. However, keep in mind that every hit in the air knocks up in-air opponent. Therefore the same ground moves that hit a lot of times on ground usually don't do as much damage in the air. A easier version of air combos involves knocking grounded opponent into the air with a ground attack, then perform a multi-hit attack either on ground or in air, depending on the attack. If the first air attack is blocked, you can't do another move on the air unless the first one is weak punch. To get larger combos, one can even beat up a fallen robot with low-hitting attacks until it gets up or is defeated. In any case, the total damage of landing attacks in a combo is lower than landing attacks separately. While the effect is usually nowhere as severe as in MSH, it may be a concern at the middle of a battle, especially when hitting fallen characters. Throw escape ------------ Following the SSF2T tradition, it is possible to escape throws/grabs in GWED, but only before opponent's attack starts. Throw escape can only be done on unblockable throws, including normal throws/grabs and Heary Arms's special. After escaping a throw, one still suffer a little damage from the throw/grab attempt, and lands in front of the opponent. The ticking feature is still in the game, but not when the opponent is still in block stun. Nonetheless, throwing plays a rather important role in the game, especially against CPU players. However, it is rather fun to watch two players try to escape each other's continuous throw/grab attempts until one of them fails to escape, if you aren't one of those anti-throw tacticians. :) In addition to ticking, it is possible to perform multiple throw attempts if the opponent is cornered. If timed correctly, the escaped robot immediately get grabbed right after the thrower's last throw attempt. CPU player usually do these with Mercurius, and Heavy Arms for lesser extents. However, if throw attempts are timed incorrectly, you can be vulnerable to opponent's counter throws, plus various kinds of punishments. If you think throw is cheap, GWED just make it even cheaper. After a robot is thrown, it is possible to juggle the throwee for 1 extra hit with a non-throw attack when it is still up in the air, depending on the throw, the juggling attack, and the thrower/throwee. Super attacks ------------- When doing a super attack, there is a slight delay which the screen flashes yellow. Unlike Capcom's counterpart, opponents can block at close range and attack during the delay. Therefore don't waste valuable power on such attacks unless they can interrupt other moves, or in emergency (except Epyon's super). On the other hand, the attacker is invulnerable during the flash, so super attack may be a worthwhile gamble against close opponent. It is possible to perform super while you are in certain block stuns of an ongoing attack. Although it is risky, sometimes it can make a difference between winning and losing. For example, if Wing is about to be killed by the block damage of Sand Rock's super, Wing can use its super to halt opponent's attack. If Sand Rock has very little energy left, the counterattack may just kill it as well. Keep in mind, however, if your counter attempt is failed, the penalty can be deadly, especially when countering a super with another super. Miscllaneous info. ------------------ Unlike most fighting games, There are no distictions between punch specials or weapon specials. But then again, there aren't enough specials for each robot to justify such distinctions. Move list ========= Special descriptions: \ KDH: Super descriptions: KD: Total hit count format: eg. 3+4+5=12 means first attack does 3 hits, second attack does 4 hits, and third attack does 5 hits, making a total of 12 hits. Combo format: () (/) If 'starting minimum PU' is 0 or less, this combo can be used regardless of current PU. Common moves ------------ Ground Block: G[d]b while opponent is attacking. Blocking occurs immediately after opponent has attacked. Air block: A[d|u]b while opponent is attacking. Blocking occurs only when an attack touches the defender. Jump: G(u[f|b]). The horizontal movement key affects jumping direction. Vulcan: (C|S)P when target lock is activated. Uses 1 PU per shot, except the ones used in specials. MVDDs and MVEDs for all robots are the same for all vulcan-capable robots, but MVDD is a little shorter than MVED. [Air] Throw/grab: (Close) (f|b)+P. To control the direction where opponent is thrown to, hold direction key until attack starts, otherwise opponent will always land in front of the attacker. Cannot be blocked. Dash: G(f,f). One can attack when dashing. However the robot is vulnerable to attacks. Back step: G(b,b). Vulnerable to all but low attacks. Dash+block: Gf+2k. Blocks everything except low attacks and throws while dashing. Cannot attack until dashing is finished. Back step+block: Gb+2k. A little harder to do, but blocks all but low attacks and throws. Throw escape: Do the throwing motion keys while being grapped, and before the opponent starts attacking. However, the robot will still get some damage after escaping a throw. Only works for unblockable throws. Escaped throwee can do air blocks, but not air attacks. 1st super jump: (0SJ) [(u|d)[f|b]]+2k. Jumps higher than regular jumps. During 1SJ, robot moves slightly forward. One can attack after doing super jump, but 2SJ and vernier can no longer be used for the current flight after attacking. Warning: You cannot block during the acceleration phase. Vernier: (1SJ) hold (d[f|b]). This slows down the landing of robot, which allow controlling its landing position, as well as provides a limited degree of aerial movement. Vernier stops working after releasing direction key, attacking, or doing 2nd super jump. Robot moves slightly forward by holding d alone. Holding df while being attacked will do air block, and 2SJ cannot be done for the remaining flight session. 2nd super jump: (1SJ) [(u[f|b])]+2k. Must be done after 1SJ's acceleration phase is finished. One can attack after 2SJ. Can't use vernier after 2SJ. The vertical 2SJ does not cause the robot to move forward as 1SJ does. d[f]+2k and db+2k has the same effect as f+2k and b+2k respectively. Warning: You cannot block during the acceleration phase. Recovery: Tap button and/or pad after falling down. It allows you to get up on your feet quicker than normally possible. WING [WING] ----------- FGT: 130 WEP: 140 SPD: 150 POW: 120 ARM: 130 RFN: Wing Gundam HEI: 16.3 WEI: 7.1 MAT: Gundanium RN: XXXG-01W AMS: Vulcan Gun*2, Machine Cannon*2, Shield*1, Buster Rifle*1, Beam Sabre*1 IGP: [HEERO] Heero Yuy (Hey, what do you expect from a Wing Gundam pilot? After all, he's a true heero, in every sense of the word. :) DES: The robot which the NMRGW series is named after. DIS: n/a 1CS: Red, white, bright blue 2CS: Red, white, dark blue Ground launcher: SsP Special QCF+k (1,3) KDH: none Fires buster rifle horizontally. FDD+k (3,5) KDH: last Does a flying uppercut, then slashes opponent in the air. GQCB+k (2,3) KDH: last Wing jumps forward with a shield. If the shield hits, Wing will complete the combo with beam sabre in weak version; strong version adds AsP between first and last hit. Super QCFx2+k (13) KDH: none Wing fires buster rifle for total of 3 times horizontally with bigger blasts. The projectiles hit everything in front of it. GQCBx2+k (4/10) KDH: none Wing enters Bird mode, and immediately leaves the screen, then fly across the screen horizontally for 3 times, then lands from above onto the same spot as the move started. The spot where the attacker stood never scroll out of screen for the duration of the attack. Wing is invulnerable in Bird form. Misc. Gf+sP (1) Wing's shield hits forward instead of up. Combos SWPx4, SWw, CWw, Ssw, Csw (1x4+1+1+1+1=8) (0/0) Ssw, Csw, GQCB+sk, CWPx5, CWw, CsP (1+1+3+1x5+1+1=10) (100/70) SWPx3, GFDD+sk, CWPx5, CWw, CsP (1x3+5+1x5+1+1=15) (100/55) SWPx2, SsP, GFDD+sk, CWPx5, CWw, CsP (1x2+1+5+1x5+1+1=15) (100/55) SWV, SsV, GQCFx2+k (3+6+7=16) (209/209) QCF+sk, SWV, SsV, GQCFx2+k (3+3+6+6=18) (309/264) The Good Has the most (super) attacks. An invulnerable super. Multi-hit super projectiles, which beats Epyon's super. CP hits fallen opponents. The Bad Not much, except it doesn't have Wing Zero's cheap low blow. WING ZERO [WING.0] ------------------ FGT: 150 WEP: 150 SPD: 160 POW: 140 ARM: 140 RFN: Wing Gundam 0 HEI: 16.7 WEI: 8.0 MAT: Gundanium RN: XXXG-00W0 AMS: Twin Buster Rifle*1, Beam Sabre*2, Wing Vulcan*2, Machine Gun*2 IGP: [HEERO] Heero Yuy (Even for a heeroic character like Heero, he still needs to learn how to spell 'Hero' correctly. :) DES: Following the long traditions of G Gundam and Street Fighters, a Heero always has two different robots with similar moves. DIS: n/a 1CS: Red, white, blue 2CS: Red, white, purple Ground launcher: Csw Special QCF+k (2,4) KDH: none Fires twin buster rifle horizontally. FDD+k (2,3) KDH: last Does a flying uppercut with its shield. QCB+k (2,4) KDH: last In the ground version, Wing Zero fires twin buster rifle diagonally upwards; in the air version, Wing Zero fires twin buster rifle diagonally downwards. Super GQCFx2+k (16) KDH: none Wing Zero fires splits twin buster rifle in half, then fires twice from each rifle alternatively, for total of 4 horizontal shots, then joins the halves back. The projectiles hit everything in front of it. GQCBx2+k (10/15) KDH: none Wing enters Neo Bird mode, and immediately leaves the screen, then fly across the screen horizontally for 3 times, then lands from above onto the same spot as the move started. The spot where the attacker stood never scroll out of screen for the duration of the attack. Wing Zero is invulnerable in Neo Bird form. Combos SWw, CWw, Ssw, Csw, GQCB+sk (1+1+1+1+4=8) (100/40) SWPx3, GFDD+sk, DSWPx6, CsP (1x3+3+1x6+1=13) (100/55) SWw, CWw, Ssw, GQCF+sk, GQCFx2+k (1+1+1+4+10=17) (300/195) SWV, SsV, GQCFx2+k (3+6+10=19) (209/209) SWV, SsV, GQCF+sk, GQCFx2+k (3+6+4+7=20) (309/249) The Good Has the most (super) attacks. An invulnerable super. SWP hits low (even fallen opponents), which catches computer from time to time. Multi-hit super projectiles, which beats Epyon's super. The Bad The rifle super doesn't work in air as Wing's does. DEATH SCYTHE [DEATHSCYTHE] -------------------------- FGT: 140 WEP: 120 SPD: 160 POW: 120 ARM: 120 RFN: Gundam Deathscythe HEI: 16.3 WEI: 7.2 MAT: Gundanium RN: XXXG-01D AMS: Vulcan Gun*2, Machine Cannon*2, Beam Scythe*1, Buster Shield*1, Hyper Jammer*1 IGP: [DUO] Duo Maxwell (Doesn't matter who he is, he totally redefines the term 'Dynamic Duo.' :) DES: Despite its name, it cannot do a fatality in this game. But then again, other robots cannot do fatalities either. DIS: n/a 1CS: Yellow, white, black 2CS: Yellow, white, purple Ground launcher: SWw, Csw Special FDD+k (2,5) KDH: last Does a flying uppercut with beam scythe. GQCF+k (3,3) KDH: none Throws buster shield to the opponent. Strong version teleports Death Scythe to the front of the opponent after second hit is landed, if Death Scythe had not been hit; weak version does not teleport the attacker. Super QCFx2+k (8) KDH: last Does a flying uppercut with beam scythe. Has longer horizontal range than non-super versions. Misc. G(f,f)|(b,b) (0) KDH: none Does a teleport instead of regular dash/back step. When it is invisible, it can escape all but throws, but cannot go behind the opponent. It can still attack when dashing, but such attack will make it visible again. Even though it is invisible during teleportation, its shadow remains visible and the opponent can still tell its exact location. Combos SWPx3, Csw, GFDD+sk, CWw, Ssw, Csw (3+2+5+1+1+1=13) (100/25) Ssw, Csw, GQCFx2+k, CWw, Ssw, Csw (2+2+6+1+1+1=13) (200/140) SWV, SsV, GQCF+sk, SWPx3, GFDD+sk, CWw, Ssw, Csw (3+6+3+1x3+5+1+1+1=23) (209/119) SWV, SsV, GQCF+sk, GQCFx2+k, CWw, Ssw, Csw (3+6+3+8+1+1+1=23) (309/264) (CWw, Ssw, QCF+sk,)xn ((1+2+3=6)xn) (100xn/55+10xn) The Good Teleport. The Bad Also teleport since it doesn't go behind opponents, and it still leaves a shadow on the ground, and vulnerable to throws. Too few moves. HEAVY ARMS [HEAVYARMS] ---------------------- FGT: 110 WEP: 160 SPD: 110 POW: 140 ARM: 140 RFN: Gundam Heavyarms HEI: 16.7 WEI: 7.7 MAT: Gundanium RN: XXXG-01H AMS: Gatling Gun*2, Army Knife*1, Beam Gatling Gun*1, Missile*6 IGP: [TROWA] Trowa Barton, aka Triton Bloom (Triton 'Bloom', eh? That should explains his hair style. ^_^ Anyway how can he fight when he's half-blinded by his own hair? :) DES: Remember Aphrodite A, Diana A, and Venus Alpha? Ever since their glory days from the Mazinger series in 1970s, the infamous breast shooter is back with a vengence. Only this time, the pilot of this Z-cup robot is a guy. ^_^; (Go Nagai must have been working for Sunrise. :) Hey, if Bandai can sell a lot of these models, maybe it's time to introduce 'Heavylegs' as its robotic sibling. ^_^;;; DIS: Air throw 1CS: White, red 2CS: White, blue Ground launcher: CWP, Csw Special GQCF+k (3,6) KDH: none Fires beam gatling horizontally. GFDD+k (4,8) KDH: none Fires big breast missile(s) from its chest, which slowly travel(s) slightly up/downward(s) depending on the opponent's location. (Hey, what if someone put a Wonder Bra on Heavy Arms? :) (Close) GQCB+k (1,7) KDH: all(J) Grabs then fires at the opponent with breast missiles. In strong version, after Heavy Arms finish the first shot, Heavy Arms shoots 6 more shots of vulcan, but the vulcan shots do not use up extra power. Has longer throw range than regular throws. Unblockable. (This attack had truly redefined the term 'breast feeding'. :) Super GQCFx2+k (9) KDH: none Heavy Arms open its chest and fire huge energy balls. Does not go across entire horizontal screen. (The game designers had had a lot of fun on making breast shooting jokes, hadn't they? :) Misc. Heavy Arms's AWw hits standing defender, but blocked by crouching and air defender. Combos SWw, CWw, CsP (1+1+1=3) (0/0) CWP, SWw, Csw (1+1+3=5) (0/0) SWP, CWP, SWw, Csw (1+1+1+2=5) (0/0) SWP, SWw, CWw, GQCF+sk (1+1+1+6=9) (100/55) GQCB+sk, Sswx2 (7+3x2=13) (100/100) GFDD+sk, SWV, SsV, GQCF+sk (7+6+9+6=28) (309/110) AFDD+sk, SWV, SsV, GQCF+sk (8+6+9+6=29) (309/100) SWPx3, CsP, Ssw, GQCFx2+k (1x3+1+3+4=11) (200/95) GQCB+sk, Ssw, GQCFx2+k (7+3+4=14) (300/150) GFDD+sk, SWV, SsV, GQCFx2+k (7+6+9+9=31) (309/210) The Good Fires more vulcan shots than anyone else's at the same magnitude. The Bad Cannot do air throws/grabs. Most moves cannot be done in air. Can't jump over _any_ robots without SJ, even when they are crouching. Most combos don't knock down opponents. Weak at close range combat. SAND ROCK [SANDROCK] -------------------- FGT: 120 WEP: 120 SPD: 110 POW: 150 ARM: 160 RFN: Gundam Sandrock HEI: 16.5 WEI: 7.5 MAT: Gundanium RN: XXXG-01SR AMS: Heat Shortel*2, Beam Submachine Gun*1, Missiles*2, Shield*1, Cross Crusher*1 IGP: [QUATRE] Quatre Raberba Winner (Really? If he is such a winner, then why he's not the leader? :) DES: In this game, it seemed it is as steady as sand instead of rock. DIS: Air throw 1CS: Yellow, white, grey 2CS: Yellow, white, brown Ground launcher: SWw Special QCF+k (1,5) KDH: none Shoots a spinning projectile with heat shortel. GFDD+k (4,2) KDH: all(J?) In weak version, Sand Rock does several head butts on the opponent after first hit; in strong version, Sand Rock does a power bomb after first hit. GQCB+k (3,4) KDH: last Charges forward while swinging heat shortels. Super GQCFx2 (22) KDH: none Multitude of projectiles fires horizontally and downward from behind Sand Rock and its beam submachine gun. Combos CWw, Csw, CWw, Cw (1+2+1+1=5) (0/0) SWPx4, SWw, GFDD+sk (1x4+1+2=7) (100/25) SWPx4, SWw, GFDD+wk (1x4+1+4=9) (0/0) GQCF+sk, GQCFx2+sk (4+20=24) (300/240) (SWV, SsV, GQCF+sk)xn ((3+6+4=13)xn) (115xn/115+49xn) The Good The only robot that does 20+ hits super combo besides Epyon. Multi-hit strong projectiles, which beats Epyon's super. Higher defense value than anyone else. The Bad Most moves cannot be done in air. Limited choice of chain combo. SHENLONG [SHENLONG] ------------------- FGT: 160 WEP: 110 SPD: 130 POW: 140 ARM: 120 RFN: Shenlong Gundam HEI: 16.4 WEI: 7.4 MAT: Gundanium RN: XXXG-01S AMS: Dragon Hang*1, Shenlong Shield*1, Flame thrower*2, Beam Glaive*1, Main Vernier*1 IGP: [WUFEI] Wufei Chang (If Sunrise's crooked English lessons aren't enough to plague every Gundam generation, this Neo Chinese can't get his own 'Zhang' surname right. :) DES: Shenlong not only looks like the Dragon Gundam in G Gundam fighting game, it even fights like one. What an innovative character design. ^_^ DIS: n/a 1CS: Red, white, blue 2CS: Red, white, green Ground launcher: Csw Special QCF+k (2,3) KDH: last, last 2(J) Shenlong attacks by streching its claw. Strong versions throw oppenent backwards. Air versions cause Shenlong to move backward. FDD+k (3,6) KDH: none Shenlong attacks with beam glaive. Air versions do not have the spinning motion before attacking. Strong versions cause Shenlong to move forward during first two strikes. Super Dragon Hang Fire? QCFx2+k (10) KDH: none Shenlong's claw shoots flames horizontally across the screen. Unlike Dragon Gundam's attack, it has much longer range. Misc. Ad+Ww (1) KDH: none Shenlong's glaive attacks slightly downwards instead of just forward. Has longer range than plain AWw. Combos GWPx4, SWw, CWw, Ssw, CWwx2, CsP (1x4+2+2+1+2x2+1=14) (0/0) GWPx2, SWw, GFDD+wk (1x2+2+3=7) (0/0) GWPx4, SWw, GFDD+wk (1x4+2+2=8) (0/0) GWPx4, SWw, CWw, GFDD+wk (1x4+2+2+1=9) (0/0) GWPx2, SWw, GFDD+sk (1x2+2+5=9) (100/40) GWPx4, SWw, CWw, GFDD+sk (1x4+2+2+1=10) (100/10) GWPx4, SWw, GFDD+sk (1x4+2+4=10)* (100/10) GWPx2, SWw, CWw, GQCF+sk, CWw, DCWw, CsP (1x2+2+2+3+2+2+1=14) (100/10) SWV, SsV, G. Dragon Hang Fine (3+6+6=15) (209/209) * If 10th hit knocks out opponent, 11th juggling hit may be appended. The Good All moves can be done in air. Long reaching beam glaive makes chain combos easier to perform. The Bad It only has a few moves. Super only hits a few times. TALLGEESE [TALLGEESE] --------------------- FGT: 100 WEP: 110 SPD: 150 POW: 130 ARM: 120 RFN: Tallgeese HEI: 17.4 WEI: 8.8 MAT: Titanium RN: OZ-00MS AMS: Back Pack Vernier*2, Dover Gun*1, Shield*1, Beam Sabre*1, (more?) IGP: [ZECHS] Zechs Merquise, aka Milliard Peacecraft (masked) ('Sex' Merquise? H_H) DES: The tallest robot in the game, also the only 'Geese' fighter unrelated to SNK's fighting games. DIS: n/a 1CS: White, black 2CS: Dark blue, black Ground launcher: CWP Special QCF+k (2,5) KDH: none Tallgeese fires dover gun. Ground version shoots horizontally while air version shoots diagonally downward. FDD+k (1,1) KDH: all Does a rising knee butt. GQCB+k (2,2) KDH: all Grabs then does a power bomb on the opponent after first hit. Super GQCFx2+k (6) KDH: none Uses 2 beam sabres to slash energy horizontally across the screen. Misc. Gf+sP (1) KDH: all Tallgeese does a kick instead of punch. Ad+sP (1) KDH: all Tallgeese attacks with a shield instead of kick. Has shorter range than plain AsP. Combos SWP, CWP, GQCB+wk (1+2+2=5) (0/0) SWPx2, SWw, CWw, GQCB+wk (1x2+1+1+2=6) (0/0) SWP, CWP, GQCB+sk (1+2+2=5) (100/55) SWPx2, SWw, CWw, GQCB+sk (1x2+1+1+2=6) (100/40) SWPx2, SsP, QCFx2+k (1x2+2+6=10) (200/140) GQCF+wk, GQCFx2+k (2+6=8) (200/170) GQCF+sk, GQCFx2+k (5+6=11) (300/225) SWP, Csw, Ssw, GQCF+sk, GQCFx2+k (1+2+2+5+4=13) (300/150) SWPx2, SWw, CWw, Ssw, GFDD+Wk, BSB, GQCFx2+k (1x2+1+1+2+1+0+6=13) (200/95) SWPx2, SWw, CWw, Ssw, GFDD+sk, BSB, GQCFx2+k (1x2+1+1+2+1+0+6=13) (300/195) SWV, SsV, GQCF+sk, GQCFx2+k (3+6+5+4=18) (309/234) The Good Highest jumper. Longest lasting vernier. Best air speed on vernier. The Bad Tall robot = big target. In this game, that means it receives more hits from the same multi-hit projectiles than anyone else. Furthermore, some standing attacks that are dodged by other crouchers will contact Tallgeese, which can hinder counterattacks. VAYEATE [VAYEATE] ----------------- FGT: 110 WEP: 160 SPD: 125 POW: 110 ARM: 130 RFN: Vayeate HEI: 16.3 WEI: 7.3 MAT: Gundanium RN: OZ-13MSX1 AMS: Beam Cannon*1, Generator*1, (more?) IGP: [LADYUNE] Lady Une (Like almost every patriarchal fighting game, there is always at least one female fighter (the reverse isn't quite true, however :). In GWED, there is no exception. BTW Why glasses? Don't the people in AC 195 have better optical implants? :) DES: The only OZ robot in the game that uses a gun for shooting and 'punching.' Looks quite like Mercurius. DIS: n/a 1CS: Blue 2CS: Green Ground launcher: none Special QCF+k (1,3) KDH: none Vayeate fires a elliptical projectile horizontally with beam cannon. GFDD+k[[,dir.]...[,k]] (2,4) KDH: none[varies] Does a rising knee butt. After the attack is finished, it can do an air attack (including specials and super) of player's choice. Super QCFx2+k (13) KDH: none Vayeate fires beam cannon with a shot that hits anything in front of it. Misc. Ad+sw (1) KDH: varies Vayeate's beam cannon shoots diagonally downward instead of horizontally. All Vayeate's normal weapon attacks (except AWw) knock down non-defending opponent at close range. Combos GFDD+sk, AsP (4+1=5) (100/100) GFDD+Wk, AQCFx2+k (2+9=11) (200/170) GFDD+sk, AQCFx2+k (2+13=15) (300/270) SWV, SsV, GQCFx2+k (3+5+8=16) (208/208) SWV, SsV, GQCF+sk, GQCFx2+k (3+5+3+6=17) (308/263) The Good Multi-hit strong projectiles, which beats Epyon's super. Regular weapon attacks travel across the screen. The Bad Not that useful against close range opponents. MERCURIUS [MERCURIUS] --------------------- FGT: 150 WEP: 100 SPD: 125 POW: 130 ARM: 130 RFN: Mercurius HEI: 16.3 WEI: 7.3 MAT: Gundanium RN: OZ-13MSX2 AMS: Beam Gun*1 (Vulcan), Crash Shield*1, PURANEITODEiFUeNSAA*10 (Can't they just be called 'pucks' instead? :) IGP: [NOIN] Lucrezia Noin (Noin is female? Lucrezia look rather masculine. But with a show where Quatre, Duo, and Heero (?!) look like girls, you just can't be sure anyone's gender without looking up some reliable sources. :) DES: It seems its designers were big time hockey fans, it even uses hockey pucks to attack - without a stick! Anyway, Mercurius is perfectly capable to scores more goals, knocks out more teeth, and stays longer in penalty boxes than all the NHL players' career records combined (even if there is such a thing called NHL in AC 195). DIS: Air throw 1CS: Red 2CS: Yellow Ground launcher: SsP Special FDD+k (1,4) KDH: last Mercurius dashes forward, with a shield/sword on its chest. GQCB+k (0,0) KDH: none Creates an energy shield around Mercurius and becomes invulnerable to all attacks except throws. Weak and strong versions behaves identically. Both versions uses same amount of power. After the move is used, power is gradually drained. If Mercurius is thrown after the shield formed, Mercurius loses the shield, even when the throw is escaped. GQCF+k while the shield is on. (1,4) KDH: none Releases pucks to attack the opponent. Weak version shoots pucks linearly to U,D,F,B; strong version causes all pucks chasing the opponent, but their flight paths are not predictable. (With pucks like these, everyone can make Wayne Gretzky looks like a total loser. :) Super GQCFx2+k (8) KDH: none Mercurius floats in the air, and discharges electricity. Misc. SWw can be interrupted by CWw if it hits opponent, resulting a combo with fewer hits. Ww can be interrupted by sw or sP if it hits opponent, resulting a combo with fewer hits. Mercurius gains 15 PU per hit from its 'throw'. Combos SWPx4, SWw, CWw, Ssw (1x4+3+3+1=11) (0/0) SWPx3, SWw, CWw, CsP, CWwx2, CsP (1x3+3+3+1+2x2+1=15) (0/0) GWPx3, SWw, CWw, SsP, Ssw, DCsw, CWwx2, CsP (1x3+3+3+1+1+1+2x2+1=17) (0/0) SWPx2, SWw, CWw, GFDD+sk, CWw, CsP (1x2+3+3+4+2+1=15) (100/-20) GQCF+sk, SWVx2, SsV (4+3x2+4=14) (110/100-107) GQCF+sk, SWV, SsVx2 (4+3+4x2=15) (111/100-108) SWPx3, SWw, CWw, SsP, Ssw, DCsw, GQCFx2+k (1x3+3+3+1+1+1+8=20) (200/20) SWPx4, SWw, CWw, GFDD+sk, GQCFx2+k (1x4+3+3+3+8=21) (300/105) The Good Its pucks hit more times than any other robots' weapons. Easily build up chain combos with over 10 hits. Who need specials? CWw blocks vulcans, and one-hit projectiles. A 3-hit strong 'throw'. The nearly invulnerable energy shield. The Bad Most moves cannot be done in air. Cannot do air throws/grabs. EPYON [EPYON] ------------- FGT: 160 WEP: 140 SPD: 160 POW: 150 ARM: 140 RFN: Gundam Epyon HEI: 17.4 WEI: 8.5 MAT: Gundanium RN: OZ-13MS AMS: Beam Sword*1, Heat Rod*1, Epyon Claw*2 IGP: [ZECHS] Zechs Merquise, aka Milliard Peacecraft (unmasked) (Hey, Where's the Viiilliiian? A fighting game isn't complete with Heeroes alone. Besides, this is GWED, not MSH or World Heeroes. :) DES: The boss robot in the game. Just like any Street Fighter series since SSF2T, it comes with 3 similar looking characters (Wing, Wing Zero, Epyon). Fortunately, Epyon doesn't have similar moves as the Wings'. DIS: Vulcan 1CS: Red 2CS: Blue Ground launcher: Ssw, Csw Special QCF+k[,dir.][,dir.] (2,3) KDH: When Epyon is moving. Epyon forms a shield and charges in the air. When this move is performed, Epyon is invulnerable to vulcans. You can control Epyon's flying direction by pressing direction key when it is suspending in the air. Weak version does 1 charge and strong version does 2 charges. If Epyon is alreay on ground level before charging, press d or df will cause it to fly forward horizontally and db will cause it to fly backward horizontally. This is not Epyon's Mobile Armour mode. GQCB+k[[,dir.]...[,k]] (0,0) KDH: none[varies] If executing it alone, all it does is hopping forward, without causing any damage. However, when Epyon is hopping, it can do an air attack (including specials, and super) of player's choice. Super QCFx2+k (23) KDH: only when contacting the aura surrounds Epyon. The cheapest super in the game. Epyon rapidly shoots guided energy balls, which almost guarantee to hit. Combos SWw, CWw, SWw, CWw, SWw, Csw (1+1+1+1+1+1=6) (0/0) GWT, DSWw, CWw, SWw, CWw, SWw, D+B, SWw, CWw, SWw, CWw, SWw (1+1+1+1+1+1+0+1+1+1+1+1=11) (0/0) GWT, DSWw, CWw, SWw, CWw, SWw, GQCB+wk, SWw, CWw, SWw, CWw, SWw (1+0+1+1+1+1+1+0+1+1+1+1+1=11) (0/0) The Good The cheapest, 20+ hits super that easily regains itself every time Epyon use it. Most versatile special. The Bad No cheap vulcans. A nearly useless hopping move, unless you get a programmable controller or two incredibly quick hands (a slow-mo controller won't hurt either). Cheats and tips =============== (More like a game bug, btw.) If a robot has less energy than the minimum energy requirement for a specific vulcan attack, it still shoots the same amount of bullets with less energy. For example, if Heavy Arms only has 1 PU, and it uses sV, it still shoots 9 rounds of vulcan and creates a combo with maximum of 9 hits, but its remaining power never goes negative. To use Epyon in VS. and Trial modes, highlight Tallgeese, then press LLLLRRRRLRLRLRLR in player select screen. To manually pick a robot's colour scheme in VS. and Trial modes, do the following: to pick a robot's 1CS, press A, B, X, or Y; to use its 2CS, press Start. In VS mode, if both players choose the same robot, the one who choose first always gets one's own desired colour scheme. If a player holds Start button while choosing any robot by pressing any other buttons, it will always be in 2CS, with above exception. To use blue Epyon, hold Start button before the player select screen is completely rendered, then use the Epyon code for choosing Epyon. Don't release hold for Start button until you have chosen a robot. It works with the restrictions in VS. mode. For you Killer Instinct fans, you can do a 99+ hit combo with Sandrock. Just do the following combo repeatedly: GQCF+sk, SWV, SsV This combo alone hits 13 times. But repeating the pattern, the hit count will continue to go up, until runs out of power or kills the opponent. It is possible to start the combo at any part of the cycle. Keep in mind that sometimes a cycle hits 12 times or less due to the interrupt between SV and QCF+sk. My personal record is 60 hits. There are strict limitations for this killer combo: First, get the opponent cornered, otherwise it can escape the combo. Second, keep you and your opponent as close to MVED as possible (and your vulcan enabled, of course). Third, enough power to keep the cycle running for 4 to 5 times. Finally, you need quick reflexes since the time between the landings of QCF+sk and SV often long enough to break the combo, even at MVED. Ever wonder how Death Scythe got its name? Just repeat the following moves over and over, you can see why it was named that way: GQCF+sk, CWw, SsW This combo alone hits only 6 times and uses 100 PU. However, the net power loss is only 10 PU per cycle (compared to 49 PU for Sand Rock). Furthermore, The timing is quite easy to control once getting a hang of it, since no distance restrictions are involved. The player only needs to ensure the opponent get hit by any one of the attacks in the cycle while both robots are on the ground. If CWW or SSW is used to start the combo, it should be done in close range. By mastering such technique, a player can kill _everyone_ with just one combo. Anyway, this reaper truly earns its name. :) Ending ====== At any difficulty level, ending occurs after defeating Epyon. [An Epyon, without left arm, is being deactivated on the background.] [Background darkened, then the pilot who won the last match appears.] Heero: Duo: Trowa: Quatre: Wufei: Zechs: Lady Une: Noin: [Pilot faded away, English credits roll through the screen. After going through credits, the ending will vary depending on the difficulty level of the game:] If you finished the story mode at easy, the Epyon background will fade away, and you will be sent back to the game intro. If you finished the story mode at normal, the Epyon background will not fade away. Instead the screen will cut to Treize Khushrenada with Epyon's stage as background, presumably watching the fight. Treize: [Screen faded, there is another line of Japanese text appear at the end.] If you finished the story mode at hard, you will get the same ending as in normal level, plus the following text will appear after the normal ending: - SECRET CODE - TALLGEESE + "LLLLRRRRLRLRLRLR" This code allows you to use Epyon in VS. and Trial modes. Misc. game info =============== Vernier ------- Ever wonder what is vernier? From Webster's dictionary, here's what I get: Main Entry: 1ver.ni.er Pronunciation: 'v&r-nE-&r Function: noun Etymology: Pierre Vernier Date: 1766 1 : a short scale made to slide along the divisions of a graduated instrument for indicating parts of divisions 2 a : a small auxiliary device used with a main device to obtain fine adjustment b : any of two or more small supplementary rocket engines or gas nozzles on a missile or a rocket vehicle for making fine adjustments in the speed or course or controlling the attitude -- called also vernier engine In the context of GWED, it uses definition 2b. Alternative pilots ------------------ If you initially chose the following robots in story mode, some robots you fight against will have different pilot: Chosen robot Affected robot Alternative pilot Wing Wing Zero Zechs (masked) Wing Zero Wing Trowa Tallgeese Epyon Heero Other than the pilot changes, the corresponding robots don't seem to behave any differently or become more/less powerful than before. Game specs ---------- Developer: Natsume Publisher: Bandai Platform: Super Famicom Release date: 1996 Mar 29 SRP: 7500 yen (might be re-released on Nintendo Power for 1000/3000 yen) Size: 16 Mbit, 0 kbit SRAM Special chip: none Genre: 2D fighting Winning quotes (under construction, need translators) ----------------------------------------------------- G: Against Gundam pilot (Heero, Duo, Trowa, Quare, Wufei) O: Against OZ pilot (Zechs, Lady Une, Noin) Heero G: O: A-hhahhahhahha!! (A-hhahhahhahha!!) O: Ninmu kanryou. (Mission completed.) O: Duo G: Wariiwarii! (Cut cut!) G: O: Trowa G: ...... (......) G: Muimi da. () G: O: Quatre G: Gomen... () G: O: Wufei G: O: Zechs (masked) G: O: Lady Une G: O: Noin G: O: Zechs (unmasked) G: O: Stage descriptions ------------------ Wing: In some kind of space colony. Wing Zero: Same as Wing's stage. Death Scythe: The stage takes place on a damaged aircraft carrier near a port, travelling left. Heavy Arms: A battlefield at night. Sand Rock: Desert of dawn/dusk surrounded by robots (Maganac?). Too bad they don't join in the fight. :( Background contains a sun and tiny buildings, animated in mirage effects. Shenlong: A daylight view of wilderness. The stage contains mountains, some trees, and a large body of water. Tallgeese: Night view of South Pole? Vayeate: Moon base(?) with robots at background plane. A small window at background reveals Earth. Mercurius: Same as Vayeate's stage, except in different colours. Epyon: Foreground platform descends slowly, and the blue background occasionally flashes yellow. Development technologies ------------------------ Ever wonder why GWED can fit 10 large robots with very detailed motions, and it still plays fast, and still only uses 16Mbit cart space and without compression chips? Aside from the facts that music and stage are reused, small sound sample set (with zero voice), and virtually no background animation, the greatest factor comes from the ways character sprites are drawn on screen. In traditional 2D fighting games (Capcom & SNK titles included), a character's every possible pose is stored in individual bitmaps, which includes the entire body, even the parts that aren't moving. For example, when a fighter is walking, the bitmap for the rest of the body are stored for each leg movement frame, even though the non-moving parts are the same. For fine character movements, such method uses a lot of space to store many duplicated, non-moving parts. With large amounts of character frames, this is certainly not an efficient use of the small Nintendo cartridge spaces. Furthermore, when developers want to add/change moves to each character, the extra sprites have to be drawn and stored all over again. In GWED, it uses what Bandai called motion parts system (MPS). Each character frame is drawn on screen by a combination of smaller sprites, such as arms, legs, heads, torso, weapons. When developing new frames, only the differently drawn parts are stored along with the frame structure. As a result, the same storage space can occupy more characters, finer frames, and even more moves than the 'dumb' methods in traditional 2D fighting games. Combined with similarties between characters (eg Vayeate and Mercurius) and rotational effects (eg Epyon), GWED was able to cramp 10 large robots into the same cartridge space that Street Fighter II, Art of Fighting, Mortal Kombat, DBZ Super Butouden (all 3 of them), and G Gundam had used. In addition to GWED, MPS has also been used on Gundam The Battle Master and Gundam The Battle Master 2 for Playstation (unsurprisingly, Bandai's 2D fighting titles) for greater extents. Both of which provide much bigger characters (some even bigger than Art of Fighting 1/2/3 has ever got) and smoother animation (some reported as smooth as Street Fighter III) than the rest of Playstation's 2D fighters, as well as the 'non-existant' loading time which the rest of the industry had thought impossible with Playstation's tiny amount of RAM. Despite the seemingly complex nature of MPS, GWED is not the first game that handle sprites in such manners. Rayman (Sega Saturn, PC, Jaguar) and Vectorman (2) (Genesis, Game Gear) also split character sprites into parts to achieve exceptional speeds, as well as countless shooters. However, such applictions on 2D fighting games have been so surprising rare, even Capcom and SNK have never advanced their engines beyond fighters' detachable weapons, if they have ever split character sprites at all. To see what differences MPS can make, try Bandai's GTBM(2) and Capcom's Cyberbots for direct comparisons. Both companies use robotic fighters, but Cyberbots not only has smaller robots than GTBM(2), it also can't reach/beat GTBM(2)'s loading speeds without a CPS2/3 arcade board or Sega Saturn with RAM upgrade. Eat that, Capcom! ;P GW Trivia --------- The girl in the game intro is Relena Darlian (aka Relena Peacecraft), the sister of Zechs Merquise, and Heero's dream girl. (No wonder why Zechs ended up fighting Heero. :) The music played in the game intro is called 'Rhythm Emotion', a GW opening theme. Wish list ========= With GWED being the last of its kind on SNES, it may be the time to move onto another console. Whether you are playing Gundam The Battle Master (2) on Playstation, Real Robots Final Attack on Sega Saturn, Super Robot Spirit on N64, or any other Bandai/Banpresto releases, you may want to have these for your next Gundam fighting games, if not a GWED sequel: - Switching pilots. Something I missed from G Gundam, which changes robots' stats depending on the pilot. For a 32/64-bit game, switching pilots should also changes their available moves, or even the moves themselves. - Some finishing moves. Although I am no Mortal Kombat fan, without a fatality or two for each robot, all the descriptions in GWML archives about how they can tear up other robots (or even pilots) means pure marketing nonsense for a fighting game. ^_^; Besides, since Epic's One Must Fall: 2097 on the PC, I haven't seen any other robot fighting games with finishing moves at all, let alone good finishers. - At least a killer combo or two for each robot, not just for Death Scythe and Sand Rock. But at the same time, a combo breaker will be an invaluable addition. If you have tried Deathscythe's combo on GWED, you will sure know why. - Have some SD Gundam model designers to do the game designs. Why SD Gundam? Their works are much more creative and funnier than the ones doing the full size versions. Take Shenlong Gundam for example, SD Shenlong can transform into a ship with Mini Shenlong and Mini Sandrock, something you cannot find in regular GW series, and certainly not in any full-sized Shenlong models. BTW, what good is a HG Heavyarms Custom model _without_ a single spring loading beam gatling and free plastic bullets, the stardard armanments in every SD Gundam model?! With they doing the designs, the result will be a game that is funnier to watch, as well as to play. - With SD Gundam modellers involved, this game won't be complete without SD versions of the favourite characters in the same package. Hey, if Sega can do Virtua Fighter 2 & Virtua Fighter Kids, why not Gundam? And of course, SD Sengokuden and Knight Gundam / SDV variants are welcome additions. - Even better, instead of the tiring duels between robots, it's time for the pilots to put on gundanium knuckles and fight fists to fists on their own. Furthermore, the story mode will feature matches between robots and humans (eg full-sized Byg-Zam vs. SD Heero Yuy or Halo vs. Char Aznable :). Credits ======= In no particular order, thanks to: Natsume all staff: URL: http://www.natsume.com/ For making one of the best anime fighting game for SNES, even with only 16Mbits of space and no special chips! (Hey, who says you need at least 32Mbits cart space and a chip to bring the qualities of a late CPS2 fighting game to SNES? GWED does it for less!) Bandai: URL: http://www.bandai.co.jp/ For finally choosing the right people who really know fighting games. Although Bandai doesn't always do the right job, and the bad anime games can be really bad (even with the standards of those times), fortunately for Gundam fans, GWED is definitely not one of those horrible Gundam games (btw don't ever mention Presto Studio's Gundam 0079: The War for Earth again). Gundam Project Page: URL: http://gundam.anime.net/ For in-game pilots' full names. Gundam Wing Mailing List Archive: URL: http://www.quatre.ranma.com/gwmlarchive/ For most of the robots' specs, including the missing Epyon's specs. Game * Gundam: URL: http://www3.mahoroba.ne.jp/~pika/gundam.html For info of the GWED cart, even though without the test mode code. Legal elements ============== This FAQ is copyrighted by Jacob Poon. All rights reserved. Gundam Wing Endless Duel (c) Sotsu Agency, Sunrise, TV Asahi, Bandai 1996.