(Sega, 1990?, action, 2 player simultaneous)

MJ in his own video game! Like another System 16 game, Shinobi, Moonwalker involves running around lots of stages and rescuing children while whacking bad guys. Only since Michael Jackson is in it, you also get to dance and listen to a crappy PCM version of popular tunes like "Beat It" while you play.
I really think that Sega didn't properly exploit their (undoubtably expensive) MJ license as much as the should have. Sure, they've got him runnning around and throwing his hat like in the movie, but they could have done so much more...
For instance, you have to collect a certain number of children in order to complete a level (like Shinobi). Well after you finish that stage, they could show a picture of Mike sodomizing one of the kids, or Macauley Culkin or something... Or the way you power up is by finding Bubbles (or whatever his monkey's name is)- then you turn into robot MJ and you can shoot lasers and stuff. I think it would be cooler if you found some women's clothing and dressed up as Janet Jackson for your power up. Maybe if you press button 3 Paula Abdul could come down out of the sky and kick ass. In Altered Beast, between stages, they show the evil wizard guy holding the maiden hostage. I think in Moonwalker they should show MJ curled up in his hyperbaric chamber, maybe with his arm around a little boy. So you can see why I think that they could have used their license a little more extensively in this game.
Other than the fact that I think Michael Jackson is a grotesque child-molesting trans-gender monster, it's a pretty good game. If you enjoy, say, Ikari Warriors 3, you'd probably be into Moonwalker.