(Irem, 1985)

If you liked Soloman's Key, Might Bomb Jack, Balbalouk or other strange puzzle / platform type games, you probably like Super Arabian as much as I do.

The game's pretty simple: You have to jump around the courses and collect all the bottles (or pots / urns, whatever they are) without getting killed by the animals. If you notice, the letters on the pots in each stage spell out a word (on the left it's horse, for instance). If you collect the pots in order and spell out the word then you get a bonus, which causes the little racist caricature of an Arab to brandish his sabre and jump.

One thing I can't figure out is, what the fuck are those little magenta things?? They kind of remind me of that candy, Nerds. Now that I think about it, wasn't there a Nerds video game? I'm sure there was a cartoon. You don't see many candies that are popular enough to spawn their own video games or commercials. Do you remember the Domino's Pizza video game, "Avoid the Noid"? At the mall by my parents' house, they had this place where you could play the latest Nintendo games for free at this big booth, only they would reset every 30 seconds or so (some of the games weren't set up correctly and you could play for as long as you wanted). Needless to say, there was always a big crowd of chubby faced white kids lined up to try their hand at Jackal or Escape From Silius. Anyways, I remember I played "Avoid The Noid" there once. It was pretty terrible. I wouldn't be surprised to see that Jaleco, LJN or Acclaim were behind that one.

Super Arabian is for NES, by the way. Don't be thrown off by the 1982-arcade quality graphics.

Oh, did I mention that this game is really addictive and that I can't get past stage 3? And it gets 80 / 100. I can see myself getting hooked on this one almost as badly as Pooyan.

As with all console ROMs, you're on your own as far as finding the game, but Yahoo would be a good start. This game is actually super rare though, so good luck finding it.