If you know anything about video games, you know that the Japanese make tons of great games that never come out over here for one reason or another. This sucks. In the bad old days, our only choices were either to pay $80 for an import game that you can't really play unless you read Japanese or to not play it all all. Nowadays, in the emulation age, translating games is fairly easy- people like Stories and RPGe (RIP?) translate games and put out IPS (International Patching System) files that you can combine with your ROM to change it's language.
So, I'm providing you with some translations- most are incomplete, but it's better then nothing. As long as you can read the menus, items, and so forth you can usually get by. To use these, you will need a few things: The IPS file, which you can get here, an IPS patching utility. So, to make this clear, you CANNOT download any ROM files (games) from this site. You can only get the translation patch. You have to get the game elsewhere (don't worry, games are easier to get than patches).

DOS-based IPS patcher... don't ask me how to use it because I don't know how. Ask Bill Gates, DOS is all his fault anyway. (2K or something)

IPS Patcher
Mac IPS patching utility. Extremely easy to use (Windoze users take note) and only 8K!

Wilford Brimley Battle
(When combined with River City Ransom for NES, it turns all the characters in to different versions of Wilford Brimley, the old guy from the oatmeal commercials! Hilarious!)

Final Fantasy 5
(Great!! 100% translated, and translated very well to boot. This is a must have!! You'll never, ever get to play this unreleased FF game any other way!)

Final Fantasy 4
(The Japanese version of FF2- harder than the US one and with some extra quests and stuff. Almost completely translated.)

Sailormoon RPG
(It's an RPG... Starring Sailor Moon & crew! Dunno why you would want this, but if you do...)

Seiken Densetsu
(Secret of Mana 2. Not very complete.)

Der Langrisser
(Cool turn-based strategy / RPG)

Rockman & Forte
(Megaman 9 or something. Best MM game yet! Amazing graphics and that trademark fluid Capcom animation.)

Dante RPG Maker 2
(Make your own SNES RPGs! This looks fun, but I have yet to play it much.)

Tales of Phantasia
(Can't get this one to work... Supposedly the biggest SNES RPG ever, and I believe it since the ROM weighs in at 6MB, which is probably why I can't run it.)

Front Mission
(Super great turn based strategy game kind of like Tactics Ogre by Square. All the menus and a few missions are translated. Get this!)

(Anime-style RPG that I know a lot of people can't get enough of)

Want more? Try the Super NES Emulation Centre or poke around the SNES9X site and see what you can dig up. Or just request it on ABEN.