OK, here is an old (summer of 96) interview I did with Mark from Charles Bronson. As you probably know they are not around anymore but they are still popular (God only knows why).
First of all, you've released a 7" as a split release with 625 Productions. How did you get together with Max? I've been writing letters to Dan, the guitarist in SPAZZ, for a bout 5 years or so. Finally, me and Jon got up enough nerve and flew out to the Bay Area lost August and stayed with him. That's when I met Max. One of the first things I noticed about him was how vast his T-shirt collection was. He's kinda greedy in that respect, cuz five minutes after I we meet the guy, he's like, "Where the fuck's my Bronson shirt?!" all loud and yelling, and this is when SPAZZ was playing that Epicenter show and Jon's just all, "Shut the fuck up and play, bitch!" And I thought someone was going to kill us ... Someone like Lali Donovan. Anyway, when we first wanted to do the split, they weren't too into it. I mean, we're total nobodies, and they could do splits with more popular bonds, and they didn't. So when we were out there, we conned Max into putting it out. I guess thing worked out cuz of SPAZZ and people like Timojhen mark. That's why I think people like that are the raddest. What's up with THREE WHEEL MOTION? The demo's sick, can you tell me a little more about it? 3 WHEEL MOTION was me, Jon, Dan from SPAZZ, this guy named Leech [from SLOBBER- Finn], who the night before, got drunk in the desert or something and passed out on this huge Cactus and cut himself all over the place. I don't know, Dan come up with the name and his girlfriend at the time just rolled her eyes and said it was stupid. We wrote and recorded the songs as we went and finished it in one afternoon- it was the day Jerry Garcia died. I don't even own a copy of it and I fucking sang on it ... I played bass on one song, but I'm not telling which one. So some of you a re straightedge, right? Jon's so straightedge, he did the whole vegan thing and Ebro won't even drink Coke, but I still eat everything I want. Mike isnt straightedge and sometimes I feel kinda bad cuz I know we influence him, which I guess is a good thing, but nobody likes to be pressured. Oddly enough, he's the nicest one in the group. Is that ever a source of conflict with anyone, stuff like that? Do you like the new straightedge hardcore? Yeah, it bugs people, I think. People give us shit, but it doesn't bother me at all. I don't even make eye contact with 'em, cuz they're idiots and I just flick them off. Personally, I can't stand sXe HC ... Some of the older stuff I dig, but when I think of sXe HC, I think THE FAITH and MINOR THREAT, man. Fuck all that fashion shit. I don't want a huge clothes or a visor or those ugly tight necklaces. What does any of that have to do with being drug free? Is there a difference between punk and hardcore? There's obviously a difference between, say, SNAPCASE and FILTH, but beyond that? It's all about politics and that's what pisses me off. Everyone wants to come off as being "so aware" or whatever. If I keep my mouth shut, people assume I have nothing to say, and I think the problem with hardcore is that the music becomes pushed to the side, and that's not why I got into it. People need to lighten up. Especially out here. We've made a lot of enemies and it's not like, "Oh, I'm punk, I wanno offend everyone," it's more like, "You're a stupid ass, you're trying to save me or convert me and I'm gonna make fun of you." So to answer your question, I don't know. Is there ever any conflict over stuff like "Rich Crusties Shall Pay"? Well, I don't think they'll be rioting in the streets or anything, but it's only cuz crusties can't read, we've said shit and nobody does anything to us, and those lyrics are about kids in the Bay Area, and sorta about a loser who claims to be from "the Sout'" Side" of Chicago, but the only reason he lives in a shitty neighborhood was because he got kicked out of his house, doesn't have a job, and spent all his money on booze and pisses it all away. If anyone can write me and explain why crusties wear those mu d flaps on their asses I'll send em a free Tshirt. What kind of people usually come to your shows? Oh, about 5 or 10 people standing around that are in the other bands we like to play with. Bonds like MK ULTRA DANGERMOUSE, and THE PRETENTIOUS ASSHOLES rule man. Plus everyone adores LOS CRUDOS, so there's good things coming out of the Northern Illinois area. Also, there's this band called THE HOMEWRECKERS, and even though I don't care for that name, the band rules. They're all like 15 years old and sXe and they go totally nuts. A lot goes on for sure, it's just that nobody cares. When SUPPRESSION and EUCHARIST came thru town 10 or 15 people showed up ... that's sad. Why did you name yourselves after Charles Bronson? Did you ever consider Chuck Norris? Cuz the name's badass and so are we. No really- it had a good ring to it, and I love gimmick bonds, so I wanted to be like that. But the Chuck Norris joke is wearing thin, man. , We want no association with and washed up Kung-Fu movie star trying to pull of a Texas ranger TV role. Texas rangers don't know Kung-Fu!! If you want action, rent "Death Wish 3." Is there an overabundance of power violence / extreme HC bonds? You know, I get burnt on that whole high / low vocal trade off that those bonds are doing. It's getting rather tiresome. That's why I like JOY DIVISION and EVERYTHING BUT THE GIRL. What have you got coming up? What are your goals as a band? We've gotten offers, but I don't know if we'll have time to do it all. Our drummer started playing for LOS CRUDOS and they're going to tour for four months, so who knows what'll happen to us. We're getting this guy Jeff to replace our old guitarist Aaron, who left by saying "This band's nothing without me! Fuck you- I quit!" So we're headed for troubled waters. But in the meantime, we're scheduled to do a split 10" with MK ULTRA, a 7" on Lengua Armada, an LP on 625 and several comps. Who knows ... What is a surprising fact about the band that most people wouldn't suspect? Um, Jon has this thing for Oriental girls, Ebro loves wrestling, Mike likes Mr. Bungle, and I'm the world's biggest Mia Farrow fan. As a whole, everyone hates each other. OK, that's about it. Anything you'd like to add, and how can people get a hold of you? After August 13, our address will be 412 Locust St. / Dekalb, IL 60115, and don't write Ebro cuz he'll be gone in some foreign country. Thanks to everyone that ever took an interest in what the fuck we're doing.