Here is an interview I did with the Gary from Noothgrush and "Monkeybite" zine. The picture below is of Gary from 1985 when he was in the speed metal band "Attila." Bruce Reeves gave it to me.
If you like monkeys so much, how come you use a Windoze box instead of a "Macaque-intosh"??
I live just a few blocks away from where the Macaque-intosh was created. If you saw the bloody carnage that goes on there, just trying to chop up enough monkeys to build a single computer, you'd know why I use Windoze.
Don't you think that Grief sounds like Autopsy without the fast parts?
Kinda, I guess. I was into Grief before I ever heard Autopsy, so they sort of have their 'own' sound to me. The new Immortal Fate LP (which was recorded in '93) sounds like Autopsy. It rules. Should be out on 625 in '99.
Is it true that "Pure energy can't be created or destroyed, and Slayer is pure energy!"?
I go back and listen to Slayer every once and a while and kind of chuckle. I remember thinking it was the most brutal thing on earth 10 years ago. I could name 10 bands around right now that have more energy than Slayer ever did. If only we didn't have to grow up...
So... What do you think about bees? Is there anything as terrifying as the thought of a "rabid bee"? Because bees are pretty bloodthirsty as it is, just imagine if they were rabid!
Bees rule. I used to go around talking about bees as much as I do about monkeys. On the Guiness Book of World Records TV show, this guy held 109 venomous bees in his mouth for 10 seconds!!! Can bees be rabid? I think there are other things that piss them off, but I don't think they can become rabid. I'll imagine if they did though... (imagining)... yup, pretty spooky.
Do you think shows are boring? Because I know after about 15 minutes of watching even my favorite band, I'm bored stiff.
Do you really think that? I've always thought that. People think I'm an idiot. I'd go apeshit when the Melvins would come around (10 years ago, not now), but after about half their set, I'd want them to hang it up so I could leave. I still do that, even with my favorite bands today. Short sets punish. Bands should leave people wanting more, not looking at their watch.
I heard from Andrew that you have like 5 hours of videos of monkeys mating. True? Because if it's not, I've got some movies you might like to see...
You must've misunderstood Andrew. I have a video of HIM mating with monkeys for 5 hours. Its really fucking sick. (Any takers on how long it will take Andrew to call me about this?)
Who, if anyone, is prettier than Jennifer Aniston? (Winona Ryder comes to mind as a possible)
Well, Kathy Kinney from "The Drew Carey Show" tops Jennifer Aniston any day. You probably just forgot about her.
Isn't it disgusting that the drummer from Mortal Decay was in porn movies? What would I have to give you to get you to be the star of a (hetero) porn?
I was going to say 'a blow job', but you had to throw that 'hetero' quip in there. Hmmmm... what would you have to give me? I know! Oh, wait, I already said blow job...
"Grindcore" and stuff is pretty boring and stupid, huh?
What stuff? You mean the over abundance of talentless morons who think bashing away on their instruments in their garage and releasing a 7" recorded on a boom box qualifies as 'grindcore'? Yeah, I think I've heard enough of these that I'm pretty fucking bored by now.
I heard this story about Brutal Truth: They have that song "Anti-Homophobe" on their first album. I heard that some PC punks in Europe turned their van over and burned it because they thought it was "Anti-Homosexual." Don't you think that's kind of funny?
Did that really happen? That's kind of hilarious!! I've had trouble understanding why there's such an 'Anti-PC' feeling with most people I talk to. Then I hear stories like this (and other animal-rights related ones...) and it becomes a bit clearer. Humans is morons.
A boy once said to me "Gary? Doesn't he do that zine with all that ape bullshit?" That's pretty funny too, huh?
Yup. That's funny too.
I've seen all the Planet of the Apes movies, and frankly, I find them ridiculously far fetched at best. Why are you so into them? What's up with "science fiction" anyways, or fiction at all? What's wrong with the "real world"???
I'll avoid the obvious MTV comment, and just say that the original Planet of the Apes is a damned fine piece of Science Fiction. I dig all the rest of the flicks, but only on a novelty level. Sure the story is far fetched, but good science fiction (or any good fiction for that matter) draws metaphor from 'the real world' and presents 'reality' in a way that the audient may not have otherwise understood. If you can't read through the lines of the original Planet of the Apes story, you probably don't have a clue what's going on in 'the real world'.
I think that people who always put things in quotes or needlessly capitalize things are really, really, scary. What traits in a human terrify you? (Note: This question is based on Bruce from Phobia / Jellobungresia... Write to him and you'll know why!! He rules, however)
Being that your fear is based on most humans' poor communication skills, I'll have to agree with you. One doesn't have to be anal about punctuation and capitalization to communicate, but having a basic understanding of how ideas are contexualized through speech and writing would help. Most human strife and misery can be chalked up to 'mis-communication'.
How come in Windows the mouse is so fucking jumpy? Would it really be that hard to at least have the option to slow it down? Because even at the lowest setting, the mouse is way faster than on a Mac, making it next to impossible to draw with any precision.
a. Please tell me 3 key benefits that Windows NT (5.0) offers over 98.
b. I once saw a bumper sticker that said "Windows 95 = Macintosh 89." I think that pretty much sums it up, how about you?
c. OK Gary, that about does it. Anything you'd like to add? (I'm hoping you will add a scathing, sweeping criticism of the Windows OS and advocate a mass exodus to the Macintosh)
My Commodore 64 is in the shop, but I'll look into these pocket
protector problems when I get it back.
Thanks for the "Intervew", Finn. If anyone else wants to know nothing about me or whatever it is I do, write to PO Box 1142, Cupertino, CA 95015-1142. 10th caller wins tickets to Cheap Trick!!