(Sega, 1987)
Ahh... Platformers. A genre very close to my heart. (By platform, I mean games like Super Mario Brothers, Castlevania, etc., where you do things like jump from one platform to the next) Alex Kidd is, to me, one of the best examples of a great platform game.
Although the original cart came with the Sega Master System (or Mark3 as it was known outside of the US), I found this ROM to be kind of difficult to find. There is also an arcade version (which I have but haven't played yet), and four other Alex Kidd games: Alex Kidd in Shinobi World (haven't played it- help me find this game), Alex Kidd and the Lost Stars (sucks), Alex Kidd in High Tech World (weird), and Alex Kidd in Enchanted World (for Genesis / Mega Drive - have only played it a little bit, but looks good).
What sets AMIMW apart from your average platoformer is that it's really weird. This game just has a lot of strange stuff in it that you won't find elsewhere- like playing tic tac toe with the bosses, running over scorpions in your motorcycle, pits of lava in the middle of a grassy field, etc.
For instance, to the right is Alex playing rock paper scissors (the enemy calls it "janken") against the first boss, Stonehead. Lose to him twice and he kills you. Then later in the game you have to fight him again, only when you beat him his head flies off and attacks you.
Then to the left you have the area right before this boss where you can purchase a motorcycle and run over the scorpions and frogs that attack you.
Actually there are a serveral vehicles you can pilot in AKIMW: The motor cycle, the Pedicopter, which is a pedal-powered flight device that reminds me of the Trouble Bubble Flight Pod from GI Joe, and the boat.
Gameplay-wise it's a lot like Super Mario Bros. You run around and break blocks which contain money, smash your enemies (like Hatebreed), then go to the castle to fight the boss. The boss in AKIMW is the evil Janken the Great. (Pictured to the right). First you play janken with him, then he shoots little blue balls at you that turn you to stone if you touch them, then when you beat hmi he drops a package at his feet and you get to rescue the Princess! I guess that doesn't make a lot of sense, but most games (especially the Japanese ones) don't.
Anyways, I suggest if you find this game you should download it. In fact, I would even purchase an SMS to play this game- if you can find it.
One last thing is that this game is REALLY hard, especially in the later stages. I suggest that you visit GameFAQs and get the cheat sheet for this one. Here's a cheat for you: You can continue after your game is over by holding up and pressing button 2 eight times, but it costs $400.
Final score: 90/100