You can reprint any of these interviews or pictures or whatever. Please just email me and tell me about it. If you feel like sending me a copy of the zine that would be cool too. Sorry these layouts are all so plain... I just don't have a lot of time to spend on this, and it keeps the downloads fast too. : )

Drop your jocks and grab your cocks... It's LORD METAL!!!!!!

Hey! It's the Unknown! They are great, buy all their records.

Read what Matt formerly of Capitalist Casualties has to say...

Cool and funny Noothgrush interview... Gary is always good for a laugh.

Read an interview with the always witty and now impossible to get in touch with Mark from Charles Bronson. (this interview is from issue #15 of Inside Out).

Also here is an older interview with Man is the Bastard.

Hot damn!! Here's an interview with Jennifer Ho of MacAddict!!

Read an Assuck interview

Listen to how crazy Mike Cheese from Gehenna is

Stop by the Jellobungresia page- it rocks ass. Be sure to read what "Lord Metal" has to say.

Look at pictures of pretty girls I went to high school with.

Brutal Truth interview

Internal Bleeding interview

Praparation H interview

Read some record reviews

Fall Silent photos

Read my top ten records

Bloodlet photos

Check out pictures of the Ringworm reunion

Some Abnegation photos

Read letters that people wrote me about my zine


Visit another good grind / death / sludge site,

Look at the Victory Records site

Buy some records! Vacuum and Very can take your X credit card X

Take the Simpsons quiz from Trustkill (even if they put out Brother's Keeper records)

Coming soon: Interviews with Dystopia, Noothgrush, another Praparation H one, Day of Suffering and Earth Crisis.