Oh Sailormoon, you pony-tailed goddess... Of all hot anime girls, you are the hottest... Oh. Sorry- I was thinking out loud. Actually Sailor Jupiter is my favorite. Anyways, I'm not sure whether the world needed another Sailormoon game - let alone an RPG - but it got one.

As RPGs go, this one is sort of like a crappy mix of EarthBound and maybe Terranigma (minus the medieval stuff) or something. Nothing special, except that it's got the lovely, talented Sailor Scouts and best of all the mysterious Tuxedo Mask. I sometimes put on my black cotton gloves to be more like him. I even make my friends call me TM, then I ask them "Do I look as mysterious as Tuxedo Mask??" As you might guess, I don't have a lot of friends.

Well PSM:AS begins (as far as I can tell anyways) with Serena and TM in their palace up in the stars or whatever, then this crystal starts to rattle and a comet comes and says smoe weird stuff about light and dark becoming one. Then it shows that evil woman that's always tormenting Serena on the roof of her house. Then it cuts to Luna waking Serena up to tell there's something bad happening. So you have to sit through about 10 minutes of movie-type stuff that doesn't really make a lot of sense before you can actually play the game. I haven't really played it for more than 5 minutes so I really can't tell you what it plays like. But I like the graphics a lot and I like the Sailor Scouts even more.

We all know that the Americans like to fiddle with Japanese products when (or if) they release them over here. SM is no different. For instance, the title itself- in Japan it's Pretyy Soldier Sailormoon, whereas the Americans got rid of the "Pretty Soldier" part, which is the best part to me, because I like laughing at the Japanese's broken English. Second, in the Japanese version she gets her powers from putting on special makeup, while in America it's her tiara that gives her strength. I like the makeup better because it's funny to laugh at the Japanese being sexist. The bottom line is, they took out the most ridiculous parts, which makes it not neraly as funny, so the only reason to watch American Sailor Moon is to drool over Sailor Jupiter and to learn how to be more like Tuxedo Mask.

PSM:AS is in Japanese, but there is an IPS patch available which translates a lot of it, which I have on my Translations page. Also visit Gamefaqs.com for a FAQ that might help you with the parts that aren't translated.